Monday, January 5, 2009


I remember when we were all 8th grade. We would always talk shit, and hate eachother so bad. Right babygirl's? Tell me not. But now, were in High school. We became reeeal close, and hang out almos everyday. Im glad, i've met Steph, Shy and Sevallino ;] Alot more other girls too. Haha, im lucky to have you girls as friends. Though, im not really REALLY close with you guys yet. But I hope we do get real close. I know we've only became friends months ago, but thanks for everything you guys have done for me. Shy; for giving me advice when I need it. Steph; for comforting me when im down. & Shann; js for being the greatest <3

I hope we'll be girls FOREVA EVA!